Wednesday, 27 August 2014

First Skirt I Ever Made

My Sewing Machine
About ten years ago, my parents bought me my first sewing machine (Kenmore Model 385.15318200 from Sears).  It is, in fact, the same sewing machine that I use today.

So, my parents bought me this sewing machine and for a long time it just sat in the box. I never got around to using it...mainly because I didn't know how to sew!  Then, one day I decided that the sewing machine was a much to generous gift to be sitting around in a box, collecting dust.  So I did some research and found that my local fabric store, Fabricland, was offering a sewing class for beginners. 

First Skirt I Ever Made
The class, taught by Fil Nufrio, only cost $100 and was to take place over five consecutive Saturday mornings.  The outline for the course described completing a skirt with a waistband and zipper.  We had several options for patterns from both McCall's and Simplicity, so I choose the skirt (View C) from Simplicity 4885.

It was fall at the time, so I decided to make my skirt from a luxurious grey wool fabric I found at the Fabricland.  I remember that I really loved working with the wool and that it pressed nicely. 

Zig-Zagged Hem
My skirt turned out better than I could have imagined, and I learned a lot of great techniques in that class that I still use in my sewing today.  One detail I was extremely proud of was the way I finished the hem of my skirt.  Because I didn't have a serger at the time, and since it would have been really tough to make a neat, narrow hem, Fil suggested that I use black thread and simply use a short zig-zag stitch to finish the hem of the skirt.  I followed her suggestion and was thrilled with the result.  Not only was it quick and easy, it also added a "lettuce" effect.

When the course was finished, I proudly wore the skirt to work and the compliments I received are ultimately what encouraged me to continue sewing.

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