Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Simplicity 2512: Cynthia Rowley Skirt, View B

Today, I thought I would write a quick review of Simplicity 2512, which is a skirt with four different views.  I chose to do view B, but I modified the design by excluding the tie at the front.

This skirt pattern is part of the Cynthia Rowley collection for Simplicity.  I think that she's put out some great, young and fresh looking designs for Simplicity.  Her designs always catch my eye when I'm on the company's website.

I really love that this skirt has pockets, and I am a big fan of the fullness of the gathers at the waistline.  I think that the style would be flattering for a variety of body types.

If I could give a tip to anyone attempting to sew this pattern, it would be to baste the seam binding in place before attempting to sew it on the machine.  At first I went directly to the machine, but found that it was very hard to control the fabric so I ended up with quite a sloppy looking mess.  After ripping out those stitches and basting the binding first, I was much more pleased with the outcome. It was much neater and more professional looking.

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